
love story part one: disappointment

On March 11, 2013 I wrote in my personal journal...

"Disappointment. That's what I'm feeling right now. A boy I am interested in had planned a date for us but he ended up canceling tonight. Sometimes I really hate dating. It is SO hard and SO frustrating and sometimes I wonder if I'll really ever know what I want..."

I was upset and feeling hopeless. I had been spending my time chasing boys who didn't like me and pushing away boys that DID like me that I DIDN'T like. It was a vicious cycle. And I had just ended things a few weeks earlier with a boy I really thought I could date, when I decided that I wasn't interested enough and quickly ended things. And now the new boy I liked wouldn't even make me a priority.

So in all of this frustration, I made a decision. I was going to enjoy being single. I was going to throw myself into projects I loved. I would focus on school and work and make the most of every moment. I decided to trust God and let him write my love story on His time. I turned it all over to Him.

And of course, ten days later I got a Facebook message that changed everything...

(to be continued)

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  1. well how cute is your new blog?! Love all the pink!!

  2. For some reason when you aren't looking and are fulling okay with being single, there ends up being someone there waiting for you is the two both like each other.

  3. oh man, that is too funny because the same thing happened to me. Only it wasn't facebook but a job that changed everything.

  4. I think we all feel this way at times. I know I have and I know I liked the wrong guys and pushed away the right ones.
