
happy 1 month & day 7 of being a better wife

Happy 1 month to the best decision I ever made! 


Today was Sunday. My favorite day of the week. Mr.Jolley got home really late last night but I waited up for him! And then when we got there we made sure to say prayers and read scriptures together, a goal we set when we got married and one month later we have still yet to miss a night! Cheers to that! 

The next morning I ignored the first few alarms. Then finally got up and got ready for my sisters farewell. Mr.Jolley takes some pills that have caffeine in them, he was a little crazy all morning. I tried my best to be patient because I really do love his fun, silly side! But I think it started to become clear I was losing patience. I felt bad and vowed to be better. 

I laughed with him at the house. When he was running around crazy and cracking silly jokes. I LOVE laughing with my husband. 

We took turns playing plants vs. zombies all day and we watched a bit of Shark Tank with my family when the farewell activities came to a close. 

My family then went outside for a ladder ball tournament. And even though I'm not competitive at all, I made it a point to cheer on my husband even when he was on the other team. And I decided that one of the best things I can do for my husband, is be his personal cheerleader. 

I'm excited and ready to start the second week of this experiment. I'm still struggling some days, and I think I always will. But I know that I get points for trying.  And can feel God working in me and making me a better wife than I ever thought I could be. 

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  1. Family time is the best time! Happy one month girl. Your challenge has been really interesting to read.

  2. It's already been a month??? Whaaa?? Congrats! I love that you pray together. Jon and I do the same thing before bed. We have never missed a night. It really brings you closer and Christ should always be the root of a marriage.
