
date night: go see the saratov approach

This past week for date night, Mr. Jolley and I went to see The Saratov Approach in theaters. I must say, I liked it better than the last movie we saw in theaters, which was Insidious 2. (insert shudder here)

Here's the trailer.

I love going out to see movies, and even though it's a cliche date, I love just chowing down on popcorn and coke while cuddling up next to my honey. Don't worry, we keep it G in the theater. ;)

The movie follows two Mormon missionaries serving in Russia who are kidnapped for ransom. I was worried that I'd be bawling through the whole thing, and even though we both teared up at a few parts, there was enough comic relief and hope in the movie that I never totally lost it.

For being a low-budget movie, I thought it was incredibly well done. The actors did a great job and it really wasn't cheesy like most Mormon movies tend to be.

The story is inspiring. The faith they had, the way God helped them, and the way their families coped, it all inspired me. So take your honey and go see this movie. Even if you aren't Mormon, I promise it is a movie you will enjoy!

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  1. Movie dates are always the best! I love that you can raise the arm rests, what did people ever do before that was an option! :)

  2. How fun! I nominated you for the sunshine award today, BTW :)

  3. I want to see that movie! I feel like I'll be crying the whole time though!

  4. I can't handle that actor ever since the new temple movie. I laugh every time I see him now.
