
update on brooklyn's book of mormon challenge

I'm so proud of myself you guys, I'm actually reading 20 pages a day out of the Book of Mormon. Which is quite a task! I'm on track to finish by January 1, 2014. What a perfect way to ring in the new year right?

I splurged $11 on this gorgeous copy at Walmart the other day and can't seem to put it down, it's also hardback cover which makes it great for purse stashing! Purse stashing makes it easy to pull it out if I have a few minutes here or there to spare. It's still hard to choose The Book of Mormon over Twitter, but I'm surprised how fast the 20 pages go by, and how much I'm enjoying it. 

Back in my more youthful days, I did a 40 day Book of Mormon challenge, and I'm really glad I decided to re-read the entire thing this December. If you're interested in a 30 day challenge, here's a cute reading schedule! It's been one of the best decisions I've made all year!

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  1. That is so awesome! I'm proud of you! This makes me want to jump on the bandwagon and read the BOM. I'm almost done with Doctrine & Covenants and then I'm back at it again. I also read in a unmarked BOM so I can learn new things! :)

  2. I just want you to know that I'm amazed at you doing this and I'm going to try and read the Book of Mormon in January! I really think making it a priority is the key!!!
