
say yes

It's the start of a new month, and not just any month, but the month of LOVE!
Throughout January I've been evaluating my relationship with my husband Mr. Jolley, what can I improve on? What's his love language? What makes him most happy?

I realized something. I tell him NO a lot. And I want to change that.

I want to say YES to staying up a little later than normal to cuddle and watch TV.

I want to say YES to more outings with his family.

I want to say YES to more workouts, and healthier meals.

I want to say YES to opportunities to help him around the house.

I want to say YES to staying in my personal spending budget.

I want to say YES to inconvenient adventures he asks me to go on.

I want to say YES to more productive weekly planning like he desires.

I want to say YES to being a better wife.

What do you want to say YES to more in your relationship?
Marriage & Relationship Goals

New to the Marriage & Relationship Goals Link-up? Goals help our relationships grow stronger and get better with time as well as help us move forward and avoid the "ruts" of life. This link-up was created in hopes of inspiring your relationship with your significant other no matter your chapter in life and love. We would love for you to join us in making the things we do in our relationships intentional.  If you would like more information, click here. If you would like to sign up for the newsletter, click here. If you are interested in cohosting, click here. 

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  1. My most common "no" to my husband is a "no" on purchases that I deem impractical. But it's very discouraging to be told no often. So I try to say "yes" whenever I can!
