
march goals

march goals goal setting a little too jolley brooklyn goal ballons blogging


Consider the time I have in the car to be sacred. Use it as a time to pray to my Heavenly Father and reflect on my relationship with Him. Listen only to uplifting music, but preferable talks on CD or Ted Talks. Something inspiring.

Organize and plan my blog changes. Make adjustments to sponsorships. Talk to blog designer about goals and create pinterest board of inspiration.

Don't dump on my husband. Share necessary items but remain positive. Make his life happier!

Refrain from overeating. Go to the gym 4x a week for 1 hour with Mr. Jolley.

Finish "Be Nice or Else" a book by Winn Claybaugh.


What goals are you setting for March??

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  1. These are awesome goals! I love that you are working on so much at once!

    If you write them down on our Intentional Life Project Goal Tracker, and share them at the end of the month on Instagram, you could qualify to win an awesome budget planner prize. Seriously. We'd love to have you join us for the project! You can see more details on my blog.

  2. I love the talks on CD in the car. I think it is such a great thing and I love listening to FM100.3 on Sundays. I could sit in my car all day. It brings such happiness!! I also love the one about not dumping on your husband and trying to remain positive. Such a good one, one that I often forget!

  3. Awesome goals - thanks for sharing!! I love making goals as well! I love the one about spending more time listening to uplifting music and news and books that challenge me in some way. Additionally, I want to be more intentional about building community both in the place I'm living and online! :)

  4. You inspire me, what great great goals! I would love to see more posts like this! :) I listen to uplifting talks and music all the time in my car - I feel more peace when I do! :) Thanks for motivating me to be a little bit better!!

  5. These are great goals! I love making goals each month, it inspires me to do better. :)

  6. I still need to read Be Nice or Else again!

  7. This is such a good idea! I definitely need to make a month/short-term goals lists

  8. I've seen more and more people talk about praying and reflecting during car trips. It sounds lovely, but car time is strictly singing time for me! It just makes me too happy to quit - and with the stresses of college, I need the little happy time. (I work at a church, so don't worry, I get plenty of God time too!)

    Also excited to see some new blog stuff! Just did a revamp on mine too.

    Happy Monday!

    The Laura Way
