
3 Books to Help You Start Living Healthier

I've recently been on a healthy-living book reading kick. I just can't stop buying books about taking better care of our bodies. It's all so fascinating and unusual in a world of diet after diet after diet to read about making lasting changes. So I've reviewed these 3 books so you too can get started on your own life-long healthy living journey. Let me know if you buy one and also if you have a favorite health book not listed here, I'm always looking for a new book to read!

My rating: 4.5/5
I'll admit, I was skeptical too. A skinny, gorgeous celebrity telling us how to live healthy, doubt it. But after reading the reviews I decided it was worth a shot. It turned out to be WAY better than I imagined. It starts out talking about nutrition and what hunger means and what our body does when we feed it good food and bad food. Then she talks about movement and exercise. I found myself learning so much and making lots of "try this!" notes to myself. I didn't give it a full 5 because some of the nutrition is just a little bit cray cray. I didn't major in nutrition so lots of it went over my head. But majority of the book was great! It encourages you to make lasting simple changes instead of jumping on the next diet band wagon.

My rating: 3.5/5

My doctor suggested this book to me when we were chatting during my last yearly gynecologist appointment. It helps you think about how we would've lived if we were hunter-gatherers. We would've eaten berries, salad and lean meats. We would've carried heavy loads, and make sudden sprints to chase after our food. It gave me a new perspective. I mean, never in history has weight been an issue until pretty dang recently. So obviously the way humans used to live works. My biggest issue with this book was it didn't seem really "liveable". I imagined myself doing the program for a few weeks and getting burnt out. I just can't eat fresh organic foods 100% of the time. Do you turn down birthday cake? Or not going out to Applebee's for your parent's anniversary? I just couldn't see myself following the program to a T. But it DID inspire me to eat more naturally, I even checked out Whole Foods for the first time a week ago! I would recommend this book for knowledge, but not for the actual program.

My rating: 5/5

By far my favorite health book I've ever read. I bought it for some pleasure reading over the long weekend and couldn't put it down! This book seems like a conversation with your BFF. It has simple changes you can make that will help you long-term. It also talks about the 80-20 rule, eating right 80% of the time and leaving 20% for cheats. For birthday cake, for soda at the movie theater, for a big huge pasta meal from Olive Garden when you have no intention of running a marathon with all those carbs. I've started doing one of the 10 minute fixes each day. I love that some of them really push you, like trying a new workout class and that some make you think, like writing down why you deserve to be healthy. There are 10 minute fixes for self-esteem, making friendships, and sharing what you've learned. I seriously highlighted so much in this book. If you're looking for a book to help you get started on healthy living and dumping the diet drama (heaven knows I needed to), this is the book for you!

(This post contains Amazon Affiliate Links. AKA If you purchase through any of the links in this post I receive a portion for pointing you in their direction.)

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  1. Those were my exact thoughts about Cameron's book, but I guess I should try it to make my own opinion. Lately, I've been fighting with how to control my hunger and what I eat. It's tough with crazy schedules. I think I should give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I've heard so many good things about the Cameron Diaz book. Im curious about it

  3. Totally need to check these out- thanks for the recs!

  4. I have heard a lot of good reviews on Cameron's book. I gotta put it on my list!

  5. I totally want Cameron's book. I hear awesome things about it. Gteat breakdown of these books.totally worth checking them out. Gteat job.

  6. That last book sounds like such a good read. I will have to check it out.


  7. Just put them all on hold at the library- sounds super interesting!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  8. oh, I definitely need this. Thank you.

  9. I'll have to read some of these when I get a chance! :)

  10. Thanks for including your healthy book picks. I have been wanting to pick up another one and the Cameron Diaz one has been on my mind. Thanks for your review!

  11. I was the same way about the Diaz book. But look how glowy she is, I mean come on!!

  12. Great reviews - always looking for new reads! I'll definitely check out Cameron's book.

  13. I've heard some great things about the Diaz book, but I'm thinking I might order the last one sounds really good

  14. Such good recommendations! Will have to check them out :)

  15. Such good recommendations! Will have to check them out :)

  16. Definitely want to read the Cameron Diaz book! Sounds like a good one! <3

  17. Sounds like these are all great and interesting reads. Intrigued by the Cameron Diaz book.

  18. Sounds like these are all great and interesting reads. Intrigued by the Cameron Diaz book.

  19. I've been wanting to read the Cameron Diaz book - I'll have to check these out!

  20. I love the 80-20 rule it works i can testify

  21. I've heard such amazing things about The Body Book! Thanks for the recommendations!

  22. Now I really want to go get that Anti-Diet book!

  23. These all look like great books. I would love to check them out!

  24. I need to try the last one!!! I SUCK at sticking to healthy plans but this sounds manageable

  25. totally need to check these out postpartum! thanks!

  26. I'll have to check these out! Always looking for new books!

  27. I've heard so much about Cameron Diaz's book. All of these sound like good reads!
