
12 Times to the Temple

When Colten and I got married a little over a year ago we set a goal:

To go to the temple together at least once a month.

And at the end of August, we did it. We officially went for the twelfth consecutive month.

Going to the temple with my husband strengthened my relationship with him. It helps me keep an eternal perspective and give me courage and hope when things are rough. It reminds me of the eternal promises I made with my Heavenly Father and with my husband, and of the infinite future we have together.

The temple IS my happy place. The temple with my husband, is heaven. 

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  1. Woot woot, you are awesome!!! What a great goal!

  2. I made the same goal when I went through the Temple for the first time. Best decision ever!! The Temple is the best isn't it?!

  3. Kudos on reaching your goal - it was such a good one!!

  4. Such a great goal! I'm impressed, because I have a hard time with consistency. :)
