

Last night I finished the Doctrine & Covenants which means that for the first time ever I finished the ENTIRE standard works.

In high school I attended seminary for all 4 years. Each year we studied a different book: Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants. And each year I completed the assigned book of study except for Doctrine & Covenants. So last year I decided to finally read and finish it.

It took awhile, probably longer than it should have, but last night I officially finished it!

I write the date at the very end of the book when I finish so I can keep record of it.

I love that General Conference renewed my desire to learn & love the scriptures!

 photo jolley-sig_zps8e3a9f4d.jpg


  1. I love the idea of recording the date,so great. I had an awesome BYU D&C teacher, changed my life!
    I just finished the Book of Mormon to complete the Virtue project. I converted at 17 and was only in YW's for around 6 months before moving on, so I'm earning my medallion now. SO EXITED ABOUT IT!!

  2. D&C always takes me forever to read but it's one of my favorite books!
