
New Year's Resolution Ideas for Your Marriage

marriage resolutions

Hey there A Little Too Jolley readers! I’m Amanda, a crazy cat lady and reality TV fanatic. I blog at Notes from a Newlywed, where I write all about my life as a new(ish) wife. I’ve written about wedding planning tips, what I’ve learned about marriage, having in-laws and trying to be a better wife, and even a few recipes and randoms thrown in there. I’m so glad to meet you!

It’s that time when we’re all thinking about our resolutions for the New Year. Have you made your list yet? Typically, most lists include personal goals, which are great, but if you’re married, it’s so important to make sure you work some relationship goals into your list.

 I’m a believer that our marriages should come first over everything else – above our jobs, kids, friends and even ourselves most times. To have a happy, successful marriage, it needs to be a priority, and so outlining ways to actively work on your marriage can be really helpful.

 Here’s a list of some ideas to plug into your list of resolutions this year: 

 -Ask your husband once a month how you can be a better wife to him. Really listen and then take his answer to heart.

 -Pray for your husband and your marriage regularly.

 -Make a plan to always have at least one monthly date night. 

 -Be intentional with time together. Try going unplugged one night a week. 

 -Do something spontaneous for him once a month to show your appreciation. (Ideas: Wake up early and make him breakfast in bed one weekend morning; Wash and gas up his car one day; Give him a nice back rub without him having to ask; Do one of his usual chores.) 

 -Walk around your neighborhood together regularly. 

 -Eat together at the table…without TV or cell phones.

 -Initiate intimacy on your own once a week. 

 -Read a marriage book together and discuss it. 

 -Be aware of, and thank him, for all the big and small things he does for you and your family. 

 -Treat him to his dream date … even if it is something you would hate, like watching football in the woods.

 -Pack his lunch and tuck in some love notes to brighten his day at least once a week. 

 -Let him pick out a new meal once a month that you will learn to cook.

 -Try something new (to both of you) together. -Tell him “I love you” every single day, no matter what.
What other marriage resolutions would you add to the list?

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