
Filling Your Life With General Conference

I love General Conference. Those 2 weeks each year are my absolutely favorite. Getting in comfy clothes, cuddling up to my husband, taking notes on thoughts and impressions and getting to hear from prophets, apostles and other amazing church leaders. It's so refreshing. 

Growing up I never used to watch the Saturday sessions. We'd have it on the radio playing around the house but I sure wasn't listening, it was white noise amidst my day. But now, I can't get enough. I crave the power I feel when I listen to General Conference. 

I've started re-reading some of the conference talks that really stuck out to me. The great thing is, I have a smart phone! Which means I have the LDS Gospel Library downloaded on my phone. Which means I can listen to conference talks anywhere! 

The past few days I've listened to talks while getting ready. It helps calm the anxiety of the mornings and remind me exactly what is most important. I've set a goal to listen to at least one general conference talk a day. Take advantage of your commute and listen to a talk. Listen to a talk while cooking dinner, or cleaning the house. It always takes me at least 15 minutes to get ready in the morning, and it's the perfect way to start my day. 

Filling your life with the power of General Conference will bless your life.

President Spencer W. Kimball's words:

"I have made up my mind that when I go home from this conference... there are many, many areas in my life that I can perfect. I have made a mental list of them, and I expect to go to work as soon as we get through."