
What Happened In My Premortal Life? - Come Follow Me Young Women'sLesson

I taught my Young Women this past week and man was it a ride! I never get nervous teaching but we had a huge turn out of girls (7 instead of our usually 2 -3) and members of the bishopbric in there as well. It also was a subject that is so special to me- premortal life. So I WAS nervous and I get sweaty when I get nervous. Just keepin it real ya'll.

I try to not worry about handouts and paying for online resources, but occasionally I just really like the resources available from Red Headed Hostess. For this particular lesson I purchased her lesson kit for $4.50 so I could have all the printables.

I started out by asking the girls if they remembered what they had learned the previous week. I always "cheat" and look up the previous lesson before hand in case no one remembers. Once they had the lesson title they always remember something! And it is really fun to hear what types of things they hold on to from previous lessons, also it is an opportunity for them to bear quick testimony. 

After we got that chatter out of the way, I had "What happened in my premortal life?" written on the board and asked for a scribe. I told the girls we were going to have a little buzz session and think of as many answers to the question as we could. After a few of their answers I asked them what Christ's role was in the premortal life so we could add that to the list. I try really hard to incorporate Christ in all of my lessons! With so much gospel "fluff" I'm always surprised how many meetings we can sit in without Christ ever being mentioned and my goal is to always make sure he is the focus of my lessons or that he is at least mentioned. 

After getting as many answers down as the girls could think of we looked up two scriptures: 

Abraham 3:22-26 (What was our first estate? What is our second estate?)
Moses 4:1-4 (Satan seeks to destroy the agency of man. Why do we need agency?)

We had the bishopbric visit to announce our new YW class presidency so our time was cut short. If time had permitted, I would have also had them look up. We talked about what we learned from those two scriptures. I've put what we focused on in parentheses next to the scriptures. 

Revelation 12: 7-9,11
D&C 138: 55-56

One thing our girls and us leaders have focused on is that not only do we want to get BACK to Heavenly Father, we quite literally want to become LIKE him. So we talked about why agency is essential if we want to learn how to become LIKE our Heavenly Father. 

I had 2 copies of "The Influence of Righteous Women" by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf printed off and split the class in two. I had them read the section titled 'A Unique Feminine Identity' as groups and then individually write down the one quote or idea they liked best from that section. I gave each girl the chance to share letting them know they could just say PASS if they did not want to share. 5/7 shared and I'm always blown away by their answers! 

Because of the bishopbrics visit we were already out of time and I hadn't even covered nearly all the material I wanted to! I sent them home with the printable from Red Headed Hostess for Individual Worth value experience #1 and encouraged them to check if they had completed it and if not try and get it done that day. 

I closed with my testimony of premortal life and how important our agency is and the role the Savior has played in all of this. I'm always amazed by the new Come Follow Me curriculum and how much the young women participate. We spent a ton of time answering questions and I wish I could remember them all but it makes me so happy to see the youth hungering and thirsting after gospel truths. What a blessing they are to this world!

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