
22 things i love about mr. jolley

Mr. Jolley's birthday is the day before mine. August 31. So fun right?

So it's a little late, but I wanted to wish a happy 22nd birthday to my handsome and wonderful husband.

 I love you!

1. How romantic he is. That man is always writing me notes & buying me flowers.

2. What is important to me is important to him. Even if it doesn't make sense to him, he makes it important to him.

3. His passion for the restaurant he opened with his brother. Just ask him about a sconeburger and his face will light up.

4. How good he is at communicating. If he needs something he will let me know, I never have to guess what he's thinking.

5. The way his family is so important to him. He is constantly making sure they are a priority.

6. He is a hard worker. That boy NEVER stops! But I am so appreciative for all he does.

7. He fills a very masculine role. This was one of the things that first attracted me to him. We are very complementary. With an 'e'.

8. His giggle when I grab his side and unsuspectingly tickle him. It really is the cutest thing ever.

9. The way he cuddles me while we watch movies. Especially scary movies!

10. His love for Kentucky, where he served his LDS mission.

11. He tells me I am beautiful when I first wake up.

12. The determined look he gets on his face when playing Plants vs. Zombies.

13. He always initiates family prayer. I've never met someone who loves to pray more than Mr. Jolley.

14. The gentle way he kisses my forehead. On our second date he kissed my forehead, and I was long gone.

15. His stubbornness. I know his stubbornness gets him in trouble sometimes, but it is one of the things I love about him. He always goes after what he wants. Including when he went after me ;)

16. He loves to watch Disney movies with me.

17. I get random texts from him all the time that say "I love you!"

18. The way he just understands my Coke addiction. And loves me in spite of it. And even buys me Coke sometimes!

19. The way he doesn't demand things from me, and is one of the most appreciative men I know.

20. His love for the Lord and the gospel. He honors and uses his priesthood.

21. His crazy sense of humor. And how he can make the most ridiculous silly faces in the entire world!

22. That he has chosen me as his wife. Now and forever.


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  1. So sweet, so cute. love this!


  2. Aww, that's so cute! Y'all are adorable!

  3. You are too cute!!!! :) I love this idea, I might have to copy for my husband's birthday soon. I think it is great that you make it a point to think of all of the reasons you love him!

  4. My Brother served in Kentucky! His name is Bryce and he just got off his mission about 2 months ago.

  5. So beautiful! Like Amberly, thanks for this idea!
    Me and my fiance have birthday on the same day, haha! :) It's very cool.

  6. So cute! Congrats on the marriage and Happy Birthday to you both! Lots of celebrating happening all at once!
