
a little better

I am a goal setter. Those of you who have been around here for awhile know that. And although I firmly believe that being a goal setter helps me become better and reach dreams I never thought possible, I know first hand how easy it is to get down on yourself when you aren't quite living up to your goals.

When I started college a few years ago, I bought this sign to sit in my room. 

It became a mantra for me. Just try a little harder. You only need to be a little better. None of us are going to become perfect overnight. 

It's not about perfection right now. Its a journey. It's about tiny victories. It's about small changes we are able to make to reach our goals and help us start living up to our potential. 

Try a little harder to be a little better. And have a great weekend friends.

1 comment:

  1. "We must become what we want to be, by consistently being what we want to become." - Elder Scott
