
love story part fourteen: choosing a date and a temple

After much deliberation, Mr. Jolley and I decided that since we knew we wanted to get married, there was no sense in waiting around forever to do so. The talking for an official date began.

Mr. Jolley thought August 30th would be perfect because his birthday is August 31st and mine is September 1st. I wasn't so sure I wanted all those fun dates right next to each other, but I decided it could be an excited 3 day non stop party every year. We decided to book the temple.

But... which one? I'd always imagined myself getting married in the Ogden, UT temple like my parents, but that temple was under construction for another year.

Logan, UT seemed like the next best option because it was the temple I went to while I went to college. But that was SO far away from all of his family, and not super conveinent for our reception plans.

We decided since we were going to be living in Salt Lake, and it was a more central location for all our family, that it would be the perfect temple. Plus, it makes for great wedding photos!

We booked the date. August 30th. 

Then after talking with our closest family members (and no one else, because we weren't OFFICIALLY engaged yet) we realized that date was not going to work.

So we found another date a few weeks earlier so it would be before everyone's school was back in session. A day after my old roommate's wedding, and perfect timing for my husband's work schedule. We called the temple and rescheduled our date.

August 16, 2013.

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  1. Brady and I changed our wedding date twice!! I never had a set date in mind, after our first one (before his mission) didn't work out but it is weird how I can't imagine being married on any other day now!

    It is such a fun part of getting married. The date and temple :)

  2. Brady and I changed our wedding date twice!! I never had a set date in mind, after our first one (before his mission) didn't work out but it is weird how I can't imagine being married on any other day now!

    It is such a fun part of getting married. The date and temple :)

  3. we were married before we were sealed, so the minute we found out we could be sealed, we couted six weeks ahead and BANG..November 30th..the day after Black Friday. I never imagined having my "wedding" in winter... but it was beautiful and the temple was so peaceful and quiet that day :)

  4. I love that picture with the tulips! It's so pretty! :)
