
ask brooklyn march 2014

Every month I answer YOUR questions right here on the blog. Remember you can click HERE to use the form and ask me anything you'd like! 

How do you balance fun/tv/entertainment and spiritual/uplifting/inspiring things? Do you feel like it's a battle between those activities?

A million times YES! Every day is a constant battle, don't believe me? Check my planner. That thing is so chock full of everything I want/need to do with my life. Here are a few things I personally do that help me make the most of my time, but remember that what works for one person might not work for another!

-I only watch TV at the gym. I take my iPad and watch it while I bike, use the treadmill or use the elliptical. It works for me because I only watch shows that are on Netflix or on the gym TV's. (That's how I watched the Bachelor, at Planet Fitness on Monday nights LOL)

-I try to use the time in the car to pray, listen to church music, or reflect. Sometimes I need a good jam sesh to some rockin music, and I think that's okay, but usually I use it to focus on spiritual things.

-I use my bath time as social media time. If I ever go on a tweeting spree, it's probably because I am taking a 45 minute bath. It might not be the safest for my poor iPhone, but I haven't dropped it in yet... (knock on wood). I used to use bath time to read self-help books and loved that too!

-At least once a week I take a night to myself. It doesn't matter if that means not attending blogger meetups, getting behind in school work, or not getting all the house clean, I NEED that alone time to recharge. I mostly blog during this time, but I also love to bake, read and watch Disney movies. Whatever it is that I need to recharge. Sometimes it feels selfish, but I'm a better wife, friend and human being when I give myself recharging time.

What's your favorite brand of nail polish?

Essie all the way! WOOT WOOT! Although for $5-$9 a bottle, I don't buy it very often. But it's definitely my favorite when I feel like splurging a little more.

How can I show my boyfriend I love him more?

Have you heard of the Five Love Languages? You should tell him you have a quiz for him to take even though it may seem silly. The quiz can be taken on this website.  Learning my husband's love language has helped our marriage a ton!

Support him at events, be patient when he's upset, give him extra kisses, tell him he's handsome or hunky or hot. Above all be kind, because its pretty hard to find kind people these days. 

How do you blow dry your hair so it doesn't get all poofy and fuzzy near the part?

Always blow dry your hair in the direction you hair grows. This will seal down the cuticle helping to prevent frizz.

WRONG WAY TO BLOW DRY YOUR HAIR: This will cause frizziness because you are blowing your hair all over the place. 

RIGHT WAY TO BLOW DRY YOUR HAIR: Notice how the blow dryer follows the hair growth? That's what keeps your hair from getting frizzy. 

I also would suggest investing in some quality products, they may a 110% difference in the quality of your blow dry.

Some of my favorites...

It's a 10 Leave in Conditioner

My Amazing Blow Dry Shake n Spray

Paul Mitchell Quick Slip

Remember to submit your questions for next month's Ask Brooklyn HERE!

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  1. I think you are really good at balancing in life, it's good to know what you do to accomplish that! I'm TERRIBLE at balance, but I'm trying to get better!

  2. You are my life saver... Seriously! And can you post where we can find the hair products you listed?!
