
how to keep your faith in college

Hey there, A Little Too Jolley readers!  My name is Rachael and I blog at The Rachael Way!  

Today I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart... keeping your faith strong in college!  

I will be graduating college in just about a month (!).  I honestly can't believe it.  These past few years, I've kept myself so so busy with my sorority, activities, classes, friends, etc.  Something that had had its share of being neglect AND it's share of time invested is my faith.  It's not always easy to when you're "super busy" (and a lot of my friends aren't Christian, too!), but I know I'm my best self when I've spent time with the Lord!  Here are some of my suggestions.  {These are, of course, just things that work for me!  I hope you can leave some other suggestions in the comments, so we can share ideas in a community format!}

//Find a church community
Something that has been so valuable to me is keeping a church community strong since I have been in college.  I attend church, have a group of people to share my faith in, as well as adult leaders to give me advice and encouragment!  Whether that be mass, worship group, temple, etc., I encourage you to find a group that fits for you!

//Quiet time
I never, ever did quiet time in High School.  The past year, I've been more involved in spending quiet time with Jesus, just me and Him.  Whether that's reading my Bible, doing a devotional or even just praying out loud and journaling my thoughts, quiet time is so key for me!

//Share your faith in fellowship
Having people to share my faith with is so so important to me, which is probably why Brooklyn and I are so close ;)  Whether that be reading Christian blogs, talking to others that share your faith tradition, or going to worship, talking to others really helps me connect!

//Don't be afraid to ask questions!
Ugh... questioning your faith.  It's quite stinky, yes?  However, in my opinion, college is a great time to do this... you're surrounded by people who may not believe the same things as you!  So why not get to know their opinions, too!  Having an open mind is so important!

Thanks, B, for having me!  I do hope you'll stop by!

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