
3 Tips to Stay Committed to a Healthy Lifestyle + a Daisy Cottage Cheese Recipe!

Committing to a healthy lifestyle isn't always easy, so today I'm sharing 3 tips to stay committed and a recipe as well!

1. Keep healthy foods in your fridge and you'll eat healthy foods!

If you're having a hard time avoiding the Oreos in the cupboard and the ice cream in the freezer, don't buy it! You won't even have to fight the temptation, you'll just have to pick something else to eat from your fridge full of delicious healthy food. A great option to keep in your fridge is Daisy Cottage Cheese!

2. Find a workout buddy

I've been wanting to join a yoga class for forever! I started going on Tuesday nights with my sister in law and boy does it motivate me. She's super fit so I always find myself pushing a little harder when I work out with her. We also use to meet up with friends at our local gym and it was always more fun to workout when there were friends there to chat with.

3. Make a plan

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Plan your workouts the night before, make a dinner meal schedule and stick to it. Write it down. Schedule it in your planner or iPhone. Anytime you plan something it will be more likely to happen. 

Living healthy isn't always easy. McDonald's on every corner, and endless television on Netflix make it really hard. But the good news is, you can pick up Daisy Cottage Cheese at your local grocery store! 

Daisy Cottage Cheese has just 90 calories and 13 grams of protein (26% of your daily value!) per 1/2-cup serving of 2% cottage cheese, you can enjoy low-fat, 100% natural cottage cheese without giving up the creamy, delicious taste.

Whether you’re enjoying it as a quick snack or making a healthy meal, Daisy Cottage Cheese will help keep you going throughout the day. 

100% pure, with no additives, preservatives, or added growth hormones it’s also an excellent source of protein, a good source of calcium, and gluten free. It doesn't have any of the additives or preservatives found in other leading brands. Boo yah!

The Lowfat Cottage Cheese only has 4 ingredients and Original Cottage Cheese only has 3! 

It's pretty easy to see why the Daisy Difference and Daisy Cottage Cheese can be a great help when trying to live a healthy lifestyle full of delicious food! There are lots of cottage cheese recipes out there but here's an easy recipe for Bananas & Cottage Cheese...

What You'll Need:
2-3 teaspoons honey
1 banana

Place 1/2 cup 2% Lowfat Daisy Cottage Cheese in regular bowl.
Add 2-3 teaspoons honey.
Slice up banana.
Add banana to Cottage Cheese & honey.

Thanks to Daisy Brand for sponsoring today's discussion.
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