
Fear of Missing Out // SUDAFFED ®

I'm kinda a home-body. Even my husband says that all the time. I just LOVE being home. But I still have the #FOMO occasionally. Yes, I'm getting to the point in my life where I had to look that up. So for all you people like me, FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out. 

When we go visit my husband's family in their small town, sometimes I get really bad sinus pain and pressure just from the area that we are in. Being the prepared wife that I am, I always carry my little pill case with me full of "in case of emergency" type medicines. I always take my little red pill with me just in case... SUDAFFED ®

There we are together on a hike in his hometown! Sinus pain and pressure free! 

Do you remember when Some E-Cards became a thing? How about some sinus relief E-Cards for ya?? Click HERE to check out more!

I still think Some E-Cards are hilarious! I love seeing them pop up in my Facebook feed. Does anything your life cause #FOMO?

 & a special thanks to SUDAFFED ® for sponsoring today's discussion!

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