
Our Love Story // The Short Version

When I was little, (okay let's be honest, even today) my parents would say, "Brooklyn can you give us the short version of this story?" What can I say, I love words! So if you're long-winded like me, you can check out my 23 part love story by going here. If you want the short version, well, you've come to the right page today.

Colten and I met on a blind date set up by Brielle, a friend I only knew through blogging. Even though we had never met in real life, she asked me if I was single, told me she had a friend that just got home from his mission and wanted to set us up. He Facebook messaged me, we got each others number and we texted all weekend. The following Monday he drove from Logan to SLC (an hour and a half away) and took me on our first date, the next night he came up again. Those 2 dates were the best dates I'd ever been on and we knew we wanted to see where things would go.

We didn't see each other until the next Monday. On that day we shared our first kiss, and became "official" boyfriend and girlfriend. If you ask Colten, he knew on our first date that we would get married, I took a couple of weeks.

After about 3 weeks of dating we started to talk about marriage. Looking back, it's pretty crazy, but in the moment, I just knew I couldn't live my life without him. He told me that he knew he wanted to get married to me, but I needed to decide for myself if this was what I wanted too. I prayed, cried, worked out, prayed some more, pondered, prayed some more and more and more. After about 4 weeks I told him that we should do it, we should get married. I'll never ever forget the smile on his face when I told him.

We went ring shopping, started planning a date, a temple, the reception etc. And then after 8 weeks of knowing each other, he officially proposed. 2.5 months after the proposal we got married. Every day isn't peaches, rainbows, and sugar cookies, but life is pretty darn great. We are both romantics, we are both committed. We have a lot of different interests, and a lot of core values that really bring us together. I'm so grateful I didn't let anyone else's opinions keep me from marrying Colten. I'm glad I took a leap of faith, trusted my gut and trusted God. He's the love of my life, my biggest supporter, and the best husband I could've ever asked for.

Now if you want all the details about my decision, the proposal, the engagement, the wedding, etc. Go HERE and read the whole story!

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1 comment:

  1. 3 months and then marriage! love your ability to leap into what you feel is right!
