

// Faith in Jesus Christ includes having complete confidence in His infinite and 
eternal redemptive power. 

We may believe Christ walked on this earth. We may believe He was born to a virgin mother, a miracle baby. We may believe that He healed the sick. We may believe that He taught by word and by example, how we should live our lives. We may believe that He lived a perfect, sinless life. But do we believe Him? Do we actually believe Him when he tells us that he can redeem us? 

Having faith in Christ is consuming. It is an all-inclusive, I can do this, everything will be okay lifestyle because I know He is in my corner. It is life-changing. 

This kind of faith does not come easy. For most of us, it takes effort. It takes scripture study, prayer, aching hearts, love, tears, laughter, joy and study of Christ's life. This kind of faith takes practice. Sometimes you need to take a step back, look around, and remember who's team your on. I'm still practicing. 

I know I'm not all the way there yet. I've got a lifetime of learning how to have this kind of consuming faith ahead of me. I'm so grateful to have the Savior in my corner. To know he's on my team, on my side, and rooting for me every step of the way. He is always there for me. He can be our best friend, if we let him. He is knocking. He is BEGGING us to answer. All we have to do, is open the door and let Him in, and BELIEVE that He can redeem us. He does, and He can, and He will. 

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  1. thanks so much for sharing this sweet message :)
    hope you have a great sabbath!

  2. Brooklyn, I absolutely love this post! So powerful and yet so humble!
