
March Powersheets Prep

Every month seems to fly by faster and faster. It's March now you guys! I took some time to sit down at the end of February to look over my month, see what worked and what didn't, and plan out my March goals with my Tending Lists from my Powersheets. 

In February I felt overwhelmed. I didn't get much accomplished and each day was full of stress and anxiety for me. In March I plan to do this differently. I've lowered my daily goals to 3 things.

+ Read my scriptures 

+ Pray

+ Review my Ponderize scripture (2 Nephi 33:6 "I glory in plainness, I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell.")

I KNOW, because I've taken this challenge before, that prioritizing my spiritual and emotional well being will result in a happier, more balanced Brooklyn.

My weekly goals...

+ Write in my journal 

+ Blog

+ Go to Jazzercise

+ Write Colten a love note

I've been going to Jazzercise for a couple of weeks now and am loving it. I want to try and go 3X a week but for now as long as I am going once a week, I'm going to celebrate that! The workout goes by quickly and I enjoy it. I enjoy the current music and dancing and it helps me manage my stress better.

Monthly goals

+ Take puppies on a walk 

+ Use Write the Word Journal

+ Jolley Family Blog Update

+ Go to the temple twice

+ Add to food storage

+ Add to water storage

If nothing else happens but my daily goals, that will be enough for me. I am going to focus on getting myself back into the habits that make all the difference. That's what March is going to be all about.

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1 comment:

  1. i need to do better with my ponderize goal. i have had the same scripture for several weeks in a row.
