
Books Read in Jan 2017 //

I decided to set a goal to read 24 books in 2017 or 2/month. I'd love to commit to more than that, but honestly being in-between on foster care and such makes life complicated. Underpromise and overdeliver am I right?

I also got a Kindle for Christmas! I was so nervous because I definitely prefer to read actual books, but I knew I could save money and it would make it easier to haul around. So far I have LOVED it. I also love that I can "carry" my scriptures on it and it saves my spot. It's seriously been awesome.

So in January I kicked it off strong and consistent finishing 2 books! I started January reading a book about habits to kick off the year.

Better Than Before // Gretchen Rubin

4/5 Stars

This book is all about habit formation and continuation. Why do we choose habits, why they are hard to keep, how to make them easier and stick with them as well as some suggestions on habits we can make.

I think there were a couple of really good tips in here and one of my favorites is to make it easy to choose right. Plan your habits into routines you already have! Meet up with a friend. (But seriously, where are my friends who want to do yoga at? No one would go with me! LOL!) Plan ahead, wear the right clothes. Schedule the time in your planner.

I find this book really inspiring. I don't agree with everything in the book (mostly her low-carb diet push) but I do agree with most of it and it really encourages me to find ways to make my goals work for me!

Wild & Free // Jess Connolly & Hayley Morgan

5/5 Stars

This is one of those books that has been floating around the Christian blogosphere for awhile. It was one of the first books I downloaded on my Kindle and I read through it so fast. I love Jess & Hayley on social media and this book felt like we were all hanging out at a coffee shop chatting about life and God and Jesus and it was beautiful.

This book is all about chasing the call and the life that God has for you. It's for you who feel like you're too much for some people and not enough for others. It's a reminder that God has a place for you, and no one can take that place. We were born to be wild!


I am so excited for the books I have up next! As I'm writing this it's mid-February and I've already finished one book, but I'll save that one for a blog post for next month. I'm really trying to finish 24 books this year or 2/month! January was a win!

The Amazon links are affiliate- this just means that I make a small portion off your purchase for recommending it. Thanks for supporting my Diet Coke fund, foster care purchases, and more Jesus tees, because honestly, who can ever have too many Jesus tees? 

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