
Books I Read in March //

I've been reading A LOT lately. I swear it's because I got a Kindle, but I've just had a renewed love for reading and it hasn't let up yet. So this month I read SIX books cover to cover, which is just crazy. Here's the list of books I read and my ratings!

1. My Story by Elizabeth Smart 5/5

I've always been intrigued by the story of Elizabeth Smart because it happened just 30 minutes away from where I grew up. My husband and I read this book together and we were basically addicted. We wanted to get to the rescue part and have her live happily ever after. The story was well written, and although the situation was horrible and terrible things were done to her, she tastefully wrote about it.

2. In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan 3/5

The information in this book was good but man was it a snoozer. I started it in November and just barely finished it. I loved learning more about nutrition, but I just struggled to get into it. I had to take it like a chapter at a time because it was pretty boring!

3. Worth the Wrestle by Sheri Dew 5/5

I LOVE LOVE LOVED this book. It's all about how we should always be "wrestling" with our testimonies. When we ask questions and seek answers, our testimonies grow! We become more committed disciples of Christ. Questions aren't bad! Some answers may not come while we are mortal, and we have to trust. But there are many things we CAN learn if we seek knowledge by study & faith.

* I was give a pre-release copy of this book to read from Deseret Book in exchange for an honest review

4. List to Love by for Busy Wives 4/5

This was an easy read but uplifting and inspiring. It made me want to set some goals to improve my marriage. I love how it talked about marriage isn't just there to make us happy, but to make us holy. Sometimes we need to remember that! Lots of good ideas for your marriage and things you can pray and ponder about. I definitely recommend for all married ladies!

5. Getting Noticed by Lindsay Teague Moreno 5/5

This is probably my favorite book I've read about business! My shampoo biz is finally starting to grow and this book is gonna help me explode it even more. This book dives into how to stand out from all the other millions of businesses and how to use social media without being annoying. We all know direct sales can be annoying on social media right? It was my biggest pet peeve and why I almost didn't join one! I may order this in a hard copy soon because I want to highlight the crap out of it and start implementing what I learned! I loved this one!

6. If You Find This Letter by Hannah Brencher 5/5

Be still my heart. This is one of those books that I feel like changed me. It tugged on my heartstrings. Us millenials get a really bad rap. But you guys, we are trying! So many of us are drowning in student debt the generation above us said would be worth it & then they judge us for the debt amiright?? The author took a year between college and "real-life" to do 12 months of service in NYC. While they she starts to write love letters to strangers and leave them around town and eventually started mailing them as well. This story is amazing. I loved it and highly recommend it if you're feeling lost and unsure that you can actually make a difference.

I've already started into some other books so I'm sure my April list will be long too! LOL! Tell me what you are reading and loving lately!

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