
2017 Books Part One

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I've done a LOT of reading so far this year. Probably more than any other year in my life! I've been trying to put my phone down more often, and instead read. I'll often set a time for 30 minutes and once I'm done with that reading time, I can get on social media if I choose. I've read so many good books that I wanted to share with you, so I decided to start sharing them in a series for you... because ain't nobody got time for writing about 39 books in one sitting...So here's the first 7 books I read in 2017.

1. Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

It seemed to make sense to read a book about habits at the beginning of the year. I gave it 5/5 stars because I seriously loved this book! It was actually my second time reading it and I loved it as much as I did the first time.

2. Wild and Free: A Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough

This was another 5 star book. I love Jess Connolly so I was pretty sure I would love this book, and I did! It really did fill me with hope and understanding that God has a plan for me, and that I don't have to please anyone but him.

3. Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer

I must've started 2017 out with a bang because I gave this 5/5 as well! If you've seen the movie, The War Room, it's all about the power of prayer and it's ability to change us. This book is written by the main actress in the movie, who happens to be a popular Christian author and speaker. I highly recommend if you're looking to shake up your prayer life.

4. Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World by Nish Wieseth

This wasn't a super page turner like some of the other ones, but I did enjoy it and gave it 4/5 stars. She's not LDS but has LDS friends and lives in Utah, but I feel like some of her comments about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints could be confusing if you didn't know much about the doctrine. That part made me drop it to a 4, but overall I loved the message and it encouraged me to share my story and my voice about things that matter to me.

5. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

It might not have been fair to only give this 3/5 stars because the main reason I gave a lower score is because of the language. Lots of language that I don't love to read... but the story kept me up late reading and reading in every spare minute. A great novel to lost in.

6. Happy Place: Living the Disney Parks Life by Scott Renshaw

5/5 because anyone who knows me knows I am OBSESSED with Disneyland! This book had so many fun stories about other Disney Parks fans. If you're a Disney Parks fan, you'll love this book. If you think Disney fans are freaks, this book will make you think we're even weirder. Consider yourself warned.

7. The Four Year Carrer for Women by Kimmy Brooke

GoodReads says I gave this book a 4/5 but looking back I'd change that to a 3. Uplifting and inspiring for network marketers. Easy read, but nothing super original.

Have you read any of these books? What are you currently reading?

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