
The Beginning of My Happiness Project

Generally speaking, I am a very happy person. I am married to an amazing man, I live in a great city, I'm almost finished with my education which will allow me to do a job I love, and I have wonderful family. This is probably why I relate to Gretchen Rubin in her book The Happiness Project so well.

I'm not clinically depressed (a real, actual disease) and I don't hate really anything about my life. But I can't help but wonder if there are simple changes I could make to create more novelty in my life. Changes that could help me live a healthier life, changes that would improve my marriage, my relationship with my siblings, or even just the way I manage our household.

So this weekend I am finishing up The Happiness Project for the 4th time in 3 years, and this time I'm committing to creating my own happiness project. Colten has his own plans for Saturday so I will have most of that day to just ponder, pray, move, and create my own happiness project.

Maybe I could try new recipes, subscribe to a fitness magazine, or FINALLY print off our honeymoon photos. I'm considering finding a weekly dance class to join, learning more about the revolutionary war, creating a dream book, and unsubscribing to all the emails I never read. I have SO much I want to do and am so excited to condense it into my very own Happiness Project so that way it is manageable.

Have you ever done something like this? What habits bring you the most joy? What are some big projects you've tackled lately? What's a big dream you've always wanted to accomplish? I'd love YOUR input so I can put together a happiness project that reflects Brooklyn, but also stretches me to become more than I am. So please, I'm begging you, share your thoughts in the comments below?

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  1. I like to keep a list (Wunderlist is awesome) of things that I've been wanting to do that seem frivolous and hard to fit into a normal day. Then I like to schedule time into my weeks (maybe 30 minutes, an hour, or more if my week allows it) to do any of those things. Sometimes I'm spontaneous about what thing I choose, and sometimes I have it planned out. But it's nice to take some "me" time to do things that make my soul happy and I find that I feel so much more refreshed. I also like the list because it jolts my memory about what I want to do, but it gives me the freedom to spontaneously decide. The spontaneity of it adds to the feelings of happiness and fun and not making it feel like another "to do". I look forward to hearing how you end up approaching this!

  2. Another reason we are besties-- I freaking love this book! WIll probably re read it on vacation this week. I can't wait to see you document your journey on the blog!

  3. I bought this book almost 3 years ago and have not read it! I see a lot of reviews in blogland and I don't know why I'm too lazy to read it. My dream is to run my online store full-time one day. I work more than 40 hours a week at my 9-to-5 job and sometimes it's impossible to work for a few hours on my store. I think my happiness project would be to start taking thing one day at a time and work a few hours during the weekend to promote my store and get sales. I should start reading it soon and I should start a plan too!

  4. I have not read this book. Actually, it is the first I'm hearing of it. But it sounds like a great read!

  5. I've seen this book pop up over blogland quite a few times in the last few years, I keep thinking I should order it. Like you I love my life but I do wonder if there are little things that could make it more amazing :-)

  6. ohhhh...this book looks right up my alley...i'm in a nesting period before baby comes so i feel like there is so much i'm trying to accomplish in a short time period!

  7. that book has been on my queue for a long time!

  8. i still need to read this book - love the idea behind it! we've got a lot of projects this summer, mostly renovating our living room, but i'd also like to be better about documenting traveling and getting out and doing a new activity in our city each weekend!

  9. so i tried commenting, but i think it disappeared! i've been meaning to read that book, my goals this summer are to get our house renovations done while also still enjoying some fun adventures in our city and documenting them!

  10. I feel like I have wanted to read this book for years but never got around to it! I need to actually read it and set aside some time to do something that makes me happy!

  11. This book has been on my "to-read" list forever now! I need to take the plunge and order it!

  12. I've yet to read this book that so many people have said changed them. Sounds like you've got a fun Saturday ahead! XO

  13. I need to read this! I'm a young entrepreneur so I'm looking for ways to change my current lifestyle. sometimes it's hard to get out of "the rut" but I'm definitely going to put this book on my list!

  14. What a great recommendation! I am becoming more and more interested in self-help. I am a young entrepreneur and to succeed I'm trying to make huge healthier changes in my life. Sometimes it feels like it's hard to "get out of the rut." I'm definitely going to give this a read!

  15. I've been meaning to read this book! Thank you for reminding!

  16. I have been wanting to read this book! Looks like you just gave me the push to do just that! I love this idea. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Sounds like a good book to read and I can relate too as I love and are happy with almost everything in my life too both the good and bad.

  18. I love that you are taking the time to do something like this. My favorite times have been when I've committed to joining a class or a weekly hangout of some sort. Projects are my favorite though I rarely finish them. That would be my happiness project. Finishing. lol

  19. I am going to have to read this book!

  20. I've been wanting to read this book for a long time!

  21. I've been wanting to read this book for a long time!

  22. SO HAPPY you are back. I have missed seeing you all the time in the blogging world.

    This book looks great. I have heard about it a few times and have it on my list!

  23. I will have to add this book to my list of ones to read! :)

  24. This is so wonderful! I read the happiness project about a year ago, and actually ended up starting my blog for my happiness project! Good luck- can't wait to see where this takes you!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  25. I have created a business around helping mamas find more happy! I have to read this book! Headed to Amaazon now! Thanks for sharing!
