
How to Get Involved in Christmas Campaign #ASaviorIsBorn

At the end of November I was invited to attend an event in Salt Lake City, UT that was a preview of the 2015 Christmas campaign for online influencers. You may have noticed that I now have a sidebar ad for the Christmas campaign, isn't it beautiful?? I wanted to share this post and tell you how we can all be involved in the Christmas campaign as there are many aspects to it!

+ The Theme

The campaign for this year is A Savior is Born. I'd encourage you to go check out the hashtag #ASaviorIsBorn on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. The website for the campaign says, "More than 2,000 years ago, God sent Jesus Christ to be our Savior. Jesus Christ was born to save us from our sins, born so we can be born again and return to live with God someday. Let us rejoice greatly this Christmas season, for unto all of us #ASaviorIsBorn."

+ The Videos

Watch & Share the videos over and over! I find every time I watch the videos I still get goosebumps and/or teary eyed. They are beautifully done and perfect for sharing on social media and with your families. 

The first video is about why we need a Savior.

The second video shows children reading verses of scripture that describe the Christmas story. Is anything sweeter than children who love Christ? 

+ Print & Share

The website has 3 different printable sheets. Here is what each of them say: 

1. #ASaviorIsBorn __________________ is born. (This allows you to fill in the blank)
2. #ASaviorIsBorn He was born so I ________________________________. (Also allows you to fill in the blank)
3. Unto Me #ASaviorIsBorn.

These printables are perfect to print off, fill out, snap a pic with and share on social media. 

+ 25 GIFs of Christmas + Infographic

I think this one is just so clever! You can go HERE and see 25 different GIFs that all have a corresponding scripture with them. They are well done, trendy, and gorgeous.

There is also a really great Infographic designed that emulates the video about why we need a Savior. Check that out HERE.

+ 12 Days of Social 

12 different YouTube artists have each created a video in their own style that fits the theme, "A Savior Is Born." You can view those HERE when they go live.

As you can see, there are so many different ways to get involved. Christmas is all about Christ! That's why we celebrate. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, and for this season, that comes around every year, where we can reflect a little more to more fully worship him.

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