
2015 Blog Year in Review

Hey guys!

Today I'm linking up with Aubrey Zaruba to share a little year in review of my blog. It has been a wild ride! Some months I was more committed than others, and to me, that's A-OK! First and foremost this blog is for my own little creative outlet and to share what I love. Thanks for coming along for the journey.


+ Every January I wonder why people hate so much on New Years Resolutioners. So I wrote THIS POST about it.

+ In 2014 as we celebrated our first anniversary we set a new goal as a couple, and in January of 2015 we recommitted to bi-weekly temple attendance. We have done REALLY good at this and it has helped our relationship immensely!


+ I participated in my first How We Wore It. And no, my fashion blogger picture haven't got any better. Maybe one day we'll splurge on a fancy camera, but not now.

+ I also wrote about what True Love means to me. Because I'm a romantic sap.


+ I decided that I wanted my faith to be so strong that even if I was one of the last 3 women on earth, my testimony would still stand.

+ I wrote about why I love CARS Land at Disneyland! My love for Disneyland is unending.


+ I finished my Associate's Degree from Utah State University. Go Aggies!

+ My Top 10 Disneyland Must Knows is one of my favorite posts I've ever written. Whenever people ask me what they should know about Disneyland I send them to this post.


+ I wrote about some of my favorite hair products.

+ I also started utilizing a Capsule Wardrobe! I lived in a capsule for about 4 months and fell off the wagon. I loved when I was in my capsule, but then my clothes started wearing out and honestly I fell back into bad habits. Later this month (december 2015!) you'll see some more posts about capsule wardrobes.


+ In June we went and saw Inside Out and LOVED it so much. You can read my review HERE.

+ We stayed at Anniversary Inn in Logan, UT just for fun. I love staying at the Anniversary Inn!


+ I reviewed Jane Iredale makeup products, a brand I am obsessed with and my skin clears up so much when I'm using their products.

+ I wrote about how we get so envious when we see other girls getting these amazing presents for Valentine's day, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. We don't need to be jealous. This is one of my favorite posts I've written too.


+ I FINALLY got around to writing about what it was like buying our first home. 

+ I discovered Thred Up and shared my referral link that will get you $20 to shop with.


+ I began my month long personal training (which obviously didn't last very long LOL!)

+ I participated in another How We Wore It!


+ I wrote one of my most shared posts about Modesty, Rape Culture, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

+ I teamed up with my friend Brielle to create a post and a printable that will help you prepare for LDS General Conference!


+ I launched Monday in the Word, something I am very excited about continuing and expanding on in 2016!

+ To celebrate World Kindness Day I wrote about 5 Easy Ways to Show Kindness.


+ I shared my Christmas Bucket list and explained how I plan to spend the season.

+ And I updated my most viewed blog post Christmas Movies You Can Watch on Netflix to reflect this years updates!

It has been a great blogging year and it's not even over yet! I have some great posts coming your way. Thanks for following my blog. For reading, commenting, sharing, supporting, and being my online friends. This is my creative outlet, and I'm so grateful for it!

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  1. So many great posts! I'll probably go back and re-read some! :) Thanks for being an awesome blogger and friend :)

  2. I'm totally loving this series!! I'm bookmarking this so I can come back and read all of these posts!

  3. I love this post--great way for me to catch up on anything I might have missed!

  4. i didn't realize how we wore it has been going on for so long. i really really love that series which reminds me i still need to read those post. thanks for linking up.

  5. I too love my capsule wardrobe and have been sticking to it religiously! It's FAB! Happy Holidays!

  6. It was a year full of things to remember!

  7. Love the review. A nice "sneeze" page as they say in our blogging world - probably the nicest I've seen so far! :)

    Good luck in 2016!

  8. Looks like you had a pretty great year! :)

    xoxo, Jenny

  9. What a great year! Here's to another great one. BTW I couldn't get your link to open by clicking on it. I had to right click then open in new tab and it opened just the thread.

  10. Looks like such a great year!! I will have to look into Thread Up. I have just started hearing about them and they really seem great! I need a new clothing source :) Have a wonderful end to 2015!
