
date night: homemade pizzas

For part of Mr. Jolley's birthday present, I created a date night book with TONS of date night ideas so we wouldn't get burnt out of trying to pick what to do. Some of them cost money and some are free. Some require us to go out, and some of them we can do in our own apartment. 

This past Tuesday I let him pick the date night and he picked Make Homemade Pizza Together. 

I found this recipe online and it looks heavenly. I didn't do this recipe though because 18 hours to rise?!? Ain't nobody got time for that! 

I ended up being at the grocery store looking for yeast and found something called "Pizza Dough Yeast." And it even had a recipe on the packet, with NO RISE TIME. So that's what we went with.

20 minutes later we had the most delicious pizzas ever. 

Do you know of any delicious homemade pizza recipes? I can definitely tell you we will be making these again soon. Maybe once we are done losing weight though ;) 

Happy dating!

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  1. We use the premade dough from trader joes. You just have to let it sit for like 15 minutes but it is soooo delicious and easy!

  2. I make home made pizza most weeks, on a Friday (family tradition), and just use a dough recipe and shove it in the bread maker. It rises in there too, so that only takes about 1.5 hours. Then, because we can chose the ingredients, they aren't full of fat! Yay! So much fun though, making pizza! Yours look amazing! And I didn't even know you could buy pizza dough yeast! Amazing!!

  3. Yum! We love making pizza together. Such a fun date night.

  4. I love making home made pizza. I don't have a partner, but I do this with the two boys I babysit and they have a blast with it.

  5. Such a fun date night!!! :) You should send some of those date night ideas my way ;) I'm always looking for new ones!

  6. I made a mini pizza for my brother one time. He loved it but I used croissant rolls for dough. It was cheep and on hand. I am thinking of making some with James.

    I love that you have a date book. I thought about making one of those date night craft sticks one but it would be hard to see what the date is. Now you have me thinking I should do a book, especially one out of a scrapbook so that you can remove the date card and put in the photos of the dates. OH the ideas. I hope that is okay...?

  7. Hi, nice story to make pizza at home. But you can also visit BRIZIO to order pizza online. Here you can get good variety of pizza with fresh toppings, sauces and doughs. To get pizza at home visit BRIZIO
