
day 5 & 6 of being a better wife

Day five is a day I don't want to write much about. I really feel like I was giving it my all, but I fell very very short of where I wanted to be. 

I tried to surprise my husband by getting our Internet up and running by the time he got home from work. (Good intention right?) And ended up in a horrid attitude, with a broken Internet, dishes piled in the sink, and a messy apartment on the first night we have ever had guests over. We went and saw a scary movie almost as soon as Mr.Jolley got home from work.

I hate scary movies. And I made sure he knew about it. 

While the Taco Soup I made for dinner was a hit with my husband and our guests, I still went to sleep with regret. But I am trying to be patient with myself, and recognize that not every day will be a good day for me. But I vowed to work even harder to make up for lost ground.

So day six I was determined to be a little bit better. Unfortunately Mr. Jolley had to go to Richfield to work on the restaurant he owns with his brother, and we had decided it would be best if I spent the day with my family since tomorrow is my little sisters farewell for her LDS mission. 

He said goodbye early this morning. Way early. So I was mostly sleeping, but I did thank him for keeping me safe last night. And told him I loved him. And gave him a few extra kisses. Then I slept in. I was a sleepy woman this morning! 

I vowed to be positive but not clingy in our texting conversations. Because we did long distance for our entire dating (5 months is a long time okay?) we are good texters. But since he'd be working I didn't want to be a bother, I just wanted him to feel my support.

So I made it a point to tell him I missed him. And that I was grateful for him. And I warned him when I was going shopping with my mom ;) 

Now I'm in bed waiting for him to get here. I can guarantee that man is going to be so cuddled tonight, he won't even know what to do. <3

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1 comment:

  1. Very cute. I think we all have days where we are completely off. I hope your okay.
