
Fitness With A Dog

Starting the first week of 2015 I will be hosting a weekly fitness/healthy living link up. It will be every Friday! I will post more details about it later, but until then you will get a weekly fitness update on Mondays from moi. 

I've been thinking about how I can better incorporate fit living into my daily tasks. We got a puppy about a month ago, and he is the most adorable thing! I've set a goal to take him on 3 hour long walks every single week. Walking may not be running a marathon, but it's something! And walking around campus as a college student seemed to keep me in shape, so why not give it a try? 

Walking is SOOOOO good for you for so many reasons. Benson is still figuring out how to "go on a walk", but he will get there, and I'm excited & happy that we can do it together while I get a bit of exercise in!

I'm also getting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred for Christmas! (I picked it out for myself) I am going to be starting that up in January if anyone is interested in joining my husband & I. I've read so many great review & seen some amazing results and I'm ready to try it for myself. 

So for the next few weeks I'll keep going on #6weekstofab & walking Benson & then you'll start to see 30 Day Shred updates as well. I can't wait for all that we have in store for you!

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  1. I remember trying to teach Howie about walks. When we got him I was like, "This pup and I are going to walk around the block every single morning before work." 15-20 minutes sounded perfect. And by the end of the week, I'd given up because halfway through our walk, he'd get scared of cars driving past or sick of walking and beg me to pick him up so it always ended up with us walking around the side of our apartment building and me carrying him the rest of the way :P Good thing he was tiny! Now Howie LIVES for walks. If you say the word or pull out his leash before you're really ready to go, he has a fit because you're not putting on your shoes fast enough.

  2. ugg, this is making me feel like I need to work out!
    Melanie @

  3. Ugg this is making me want to work out!
    Melanie @
