
Divinity //

I've set a goal to share my testimony more, especially when it comes to General Conference Talks. I find such peace and solace in General Conference; and reviewing and sharing the talks is something very important to me. So today I wanted to start by sharing my thoughts from the talk:

My favorite quote from this talk is this one...

"We have come to this earth to help build His kingdom and to prepare for the Second Coming of His Son, Jesus Christ. With every breath we take, we strive to follow Him. The divine nature within each one of us is refined and magnified by the effort we make to draw nearer to our Father and His Son.

Our divine nature has nothing to do with our personal accomplishments, the status we achieve, the number of marathons we run, or our popularity and self-esteem. Our divine nature comes from God. It was established in an existence that preceded our birth and will continue on into eternity."

How important it is to remember that we do not have to prove ANYTHING to our Heavenly Father. He loves us unconditionally. He loves us whether we win first place, or last place or finish somewhere in the middle. He loves us whether we are the bishop of a thriving ward or the bishop of a struggling ward. He loves us whether we have lots of friends, or find most of our friendship within our own family. He loves us whether we are a top performer at work, or someone just scraping by. Bottom line? HE LOVES US. 

We are extraordinary to Him because He created us. He loves us, because we are His and He wants us to turn to Him for validation. Not Facebook, Instagram, Employee of the Month contests or Student Government winners. He wants us to turn to Him. 

We can ask Him in humble prayer, "Heavenly Father, how do you really feel about ME?" I promise that if you ask with a sincere heart, He will answer. he will tell you just how much He loves you. 

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