
Life Update // October 2015

We are wrapping up October and I'm trying to figure out how my Halloween decorations have been up for almost a month. October has flown by thanks to dreaming about our Disneyland trip for the first half of the month and then spending our 5 day vacation in California. It was a blast! You can read about each individual Disneyland day here

We had a blast on our trip! We stayed at the Desert Inn Suites and had a 2 room hotel with 4 queen beds. With 7 people in our group it worked out perfectly. It wasn't anything fancy, but it seemed clean, and was really close to Disneyland which was the best part. We had a really great time and I already miss it! I've joked with my brother about Post Disneyland Sadness. It's a real thing!

Here at home we are staying busy. I'm still on a indefinite hair break. I miss doing hair, but it has been so good for me to take a break. I still watch educational YouTube videos and daydream about decorating my home salon, but for now, life as a Financial Planner isn't bad at all. I like working full time, and I like the consistency in hours and pay I get. We are focusing on paying off our down payment for our home and reaching a few other financial goals.

When it comes to church, I'm still a ward organist and the 1st counselor in the Young Women's program. Playing the organ is still a trial for me. I remember being called as a junior in high school and I was TERRIFIED. I cried so much out of fear. It's still hard over 5 years later to get up there and play the organ for my ward, music is such a huge part of worship and I just don't want to mess it up! It's been going pretty well and I am grateful that my talents are needed.

Being in the Young Women's presidency is a blessing in so many ways. I wish I could give more, serve more, visit more, plan more and be on time more... but I'm doing my best. I truly think Heavenly Father is grateful for my efforts. I love teaching the youth, they have so much goodness in them and I want them to see how positively Jesus Christ's gospel has affected me. I promised myself when I was called that I would never teach a lesson without talking about Christ. There's so much "fluff" we can talk about in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just want these girls to know that it is Christ's church. It is HIS! Whenever I doubt, or feel sad, or feel hopeless I go back to the basics. That I know my Savior Jesus Christ died for me, and that all I have to do is try and pattern my life after His as much as I can.

That's really the only updates I have, we are still surviving here in the Salt Lake Valley. We love our home, our 5 fur babies, and are excited for all that the future holds.

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