
5 Easy Ways to Show Kindness

I'm still not sure what is happening with my blog, my designer Brielle has been amazing and will probably have to reprogram my whole design which stinks for her, but I'm so grateful to have her. She's closed up shop for the holidays, but is still taking custom invite/quote orders starting at $8!

Today is World Kindness Day! I actually didn't know that until I got on social media this morning, but it got me thinking about ways that I could show some extra kindness right NOW! I too often get caught in this idea that I have to have a big huge project planned to show kindness, but it's WAY simpler than that. Here's 5 ideas to get you started:

1. Send Some Happy Mail.

There are few things in life that make me happier than surprise happy mail. What is happy mail? It is getting something in the mail besides bills and junk mail. It could be a nice note just saying you were thinking about someone, it could be a $5 gift card to a store you know that they like, it could even be a Box of Sunshine!

I love surprising my friends and family with good old fashioned snail mail. If you don't have stamps, most grocery stores sell them now... just ask!

2. Amazon Smile.

If you already shop Amazon, why not choose a charity to have them donate to? It may only be .5% but every penny counts when you are giving to good causes.

Click HERE to learn more about the AmazonSmile program and find out the different charities you can choose from. All you have to do to donate is start your shopping at and then purchase like normal. So easy.

3. Listen.

When I'm stressed, sad, anxious or overwhelmed I just want someone to listen to me and sympathize. Having someone listen to you can make a world of difference.

Put down the phone (guilty!), make eye contact, and ask someone how they are doing or how their day was. Then listen!

4. Social Media Post.

I love getting tagged on Social Media when it is for something good. Call out the awesome in your friends. Send a tweet saying why you admire someone, post a picture of your mom on Facebook and remind her you love her, share an Instagram picture of  a way you are showing kindness today!

5. Donate

Have old clothes to get rid of? Donate them to Goodwill or DI (for my local Utahns!). Wanting to help with Humanitarian efforts? Donate some money. Have 3 or 4 coats but only wear 1 or 2 of them? Donate to a local homeless shelter. Want families in need to have a great Christmas? Donate to Toys for Tots.


Whatever you're passionate about, get involved! Donate, share, listen, love and have an AMAZING World Kindness Day!

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  1. Great ideas! Happy World Kindness Day!
    Peace, Sarah

  2. Happy mail is the best! I'm so tired of boring mail days!

  3. I love the first three. I love getting mail besides bills. I think there is so much healing when we listen to each other and a smile can really change someones days. HEy all these don't cost much money and yet it is priceless when we invest in others. Thanks for sharing!
    Xoxo, Gema

  4. Really good ideas! It's always best to choose to show kindness when we have the opportunity!

  5. I love these ideas! It's a good reminder to show some kindness and how each and every one of us are able to show kindness in at least one of these ways!
