
On the Top Shelf // A Jolley Love Story

We've been married 2 years, and yet somehow the only mugs we own are the 4 we were given in a beautiful set for our wedding. They stay on the highest shelf in our kitchen cupboard. The other day I dragged a kitchen table chair over to the cupboards and moved all 4 mugs down to the bottom shelf so they would be easily accessible for me. (Being only 5 feet tall can be rough sometimes)

I came down later in the day to make myself some hot chocolate and noticed the dishes had been washed (thank you husband!) but the mugs were moved back to the top shelf. I found my husband and told him why I had moved them down to the bottom shelf and we both had a laugh. He said he couldn't figure out why the dishes were in the wrong place!

Today, my husband did the dishes again (this is not uncommon for him, I definitely married up!). I didn't think much about it until later in the evening. He was off watching a TV show with his guy friends, and I got off my late work shift. All I wanted was hot chocolate and some quiet time. 

I sighed and dragged the chair across the kitchen floor again in hopes of reaching the top shelf mugs, but when I opened the cupboard I noticed all four mugs, sitting perfectly aligned on the bottom row easily within my reach. 

I am so grateful for a husband who listens to me and cares about me so much. We are not a perfect couple. He's a total extrovert and I'm an introvert which has caused many an argument over the last little while. And we are both sinners, just relying on our faith in Jesus to make us better. But somehow, in the midst of the crazyness of life, he remembered to put the mugs on the bottom shelf, and that meant the world to me. So from the mouth of "newlywed" of 2 years, I truly think marriage is all about the little things.
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  1. I love this! You definitely have a sweet husband!

  2. So sweet! Husbands are the best! I'd love if my husband did the dishes but that's not his thing... But he does so many other small and amazing things for me
