

Happy 2016 everyone!!! It's finally here, and I couldn't be happier about it. I've got my Powersheets Tending List all filled out for January so I figured my daily, weekly and monthly goals with you.


+ Choose a monthly Ponderize scripture (I was doing this weekly for a few months but holy crap it was just moving too fast for me. One scripture a month will be perfect I think)

+ Read one book in the Bible (Pretty sure I'm going to start with Psalms!)

+ Go to the temple

+ Go to the temple (We go every other week for date night!)

+ January Jolley Family Update on the blog (I wish I had recorded more of the awesome things we did this year with pictures and blog posts, so here to committing to do it in January!)

+ Plan an overnight getaway with Colten ( I actually can already cross this off, I booked us Juliet's Balcony at Anniversary Inn. just over a month away!)

+ Pay $1,000 off our down payment (We mortgaged our down payment and are about 4-5 months from paying it off!)

+ Get my hair done ( It's been since June... and this is something that really spikes my self esteem. So I deem it important)

+ Take my dogs on a walk

+ Buy new makeup (Everything I own is on it's last leg...)


+ Write a Monday in the Word Blog Post

+ Do a Monday morning goal setting Periscope

+ Social Media Free Weekends (this is going to be sooooo hard)

+ Write Colten a love note (really trying to tend more to my marriage!)

+ Transfer $5 into savings (We save $100/paycheck already. but transferring $5/week extra shouldn't really hurt us at all)

+ Meal prep work lunches (holla at my new glass tupperware!)

+ Write out a prayer (This is part of my goal to worship more creatively!)

+Complete all homework (welp! Going back to school. January 11th!)


+ Review Ponderize scripture

+ Make the bed (this is tending to my marriage! Colten is acts of service all the way)

+ Get ready (Part of my goals for self care)

+ No spend day (Any day that I don't spend $$ will be a big win!)

+ Walk 30 minutes (I do this in 2-15 minute work breaks on my treadmill!)

+ Only 1 soda (Diet Coke how I love thee)

+ Update Planner ( I need to get in better habits of looking over what I have planned and what I need to do, especially now that I'll be juggling full time work and full time school!)


I am very motivated by crossing things off a to-do list, so I'm so pumped to use this tending list in my Powersheets. And if I don't cross everything off? Oh well! I'll roll them over to next month, and try again. The idea behind the Powersheets has been life-changing for me. And I try to not say that about everything. The idea is "Progress over Perfection." Yesterday I went upstairs to walk on the treadmill and I noticed my puppy snuggled up on the bed. I decided 15 minutes of snuggling my puppy was more important than walking on the treadmill. And it was! It was such a mood booster. I still got my other 15 minute walk in, and I felt really happy with my choices. 

That's what this is about. Setting flexible goals that fire you up!! And then giving yourself grace if things don't go the way you plan. Are you setting goals for January/2016? Let me know what they are in the comments!

Other Posts About Powersheets

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*Some links in this post contain affiliate links: If you purchase Lara Casey Powersheets I will receive a portion of your purcahse. 


  1. We are awesome and an inspiration, and we NEED to do lunch SOON!

  2. Great goals Brooklyn! Sounds like January is going to be great for you! :)

  3. I love the idea of one no spend day!

  4. Great post! I love reading about how people are tackling and achieving their goals. We're all different, and I think what matters most is intention. I love that planner, too.

  5. I'm loving your goals! I need to start actually writing out what my husband and I do too. My husband tends to travel a lot so blogging tends to be a very independent hobby for me, but in reality, I would like it to be more about us. I ended up picking my word of the year "press forward" from the yw/ym's yearly theme so I could ponderize that scripture, but I definitely should do more!

    I am hosting a goal link up here and this would be a great post to add if you are interested! :)

  6. oh.
    those power sheets look absolutely AMAZING. i'm a bit stretched with this pay period but next i'll probably have to splurge on them because they seriously seem so focused and i freaking love it. <3
