
Prepping for 2016 with Powersheets + Giveaway!

(Lara Casey Media graciously accepted me into their affiliate program. Which means that if you choose to purchase anything from using a link in this post, I will receive a portion of your purchase. Thanks for supporting my blog!)

2016 is so close you guys! I am freaking out with excitement because I absolutely LOVE new beginnings. I can't wait to see what happens in 2016 AND what I MAKE happen.

This year I came across Lara Casey's Powersheets and knew that I had been led to her site for a reason. I purchased my Powersheets and not so patiently awaited the package in the mail. What are Powersheets? The Powersheets are kind of like a goal setting workbook that help you uncover your most purposeful year ever.

They include a powerful prep study to help you discover what was working last year and what wasn't working, what fires you up, what you want to say yes to, initial goal ideas and so much more. Then you write out up to 10 goals and break it down into "tending lists" for each month. Tending lists are basically your monthly/weekly/daily to-dos that help you stay on track with what is most important. After having these Powersheets for less than a week I KNOW that they are going to help make my year great.

Every Monday you'll find me on Periscope at 9:30 am MST  (@brooklynjolley) talking about my goals and how they are going. I hope to use that time to hold me accountable and maybe inspire some of you in your goal setting as well!

Now as the new year looms, I wanted to do a giveaway! I thought about doing a gift card to one of my favorite athletic wear shops but decided that I wanted to give something away that TRULY matters. So I'm giving away a $25 gift card to so you can purchase your own Powersheets!! If you don't want Powersheets there is also an awesome collection of Write the Word Journals (I ordered Volume 1 for myself!), a great book by Lara Casey, and beautiful gold foil prints.

Also make sure to check out Lara's 2016 Goal Setting Series on her blog by clicking HERE

I'll be choosing a winner on New Years Eve! What a perfect way to ring in the new year right? Get going and enter below!!

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  1. This sounds like just what I need for my 2016 goals!

  2. With the $25 gift card I would purchase the 2016 collection powersheets one year set

  3. I think I'd have to get the Powersheets after you raved about them in this post! Seems wonderful!

  4. Or I might get the Make it Happen book and journal bundle!

  5. I've always thought these Powersheets were awesome but I love her whole store!

  6. Seriously you inspire me! Thank you for always being such an example to me! I always look forward to your blog posts! :)

  7. I love Powersheets!! I had them in 2015 and they were amazing!

  8. Such a lovely shop! I would get their Make It Happen Journal. So nice. Thank-you for this fun chance. :)

  9. So happy I clicked through on your comment on powersheets group. ❤️ Powersheets and all things Lara Casey!

  10. I would have such a hard time deciding. I would probably buy the make it happen book. Or the powersheets. There is too much to choose from!

  11. I think I would spend the giftcard on buying the powersheets for a friend :) They are such a great thing to share!!!

  12. I would love the Write the Word Journals!

  13. So awesome! I'm glad you found Lara! I love all of her products but what I'd buy with the gift card are the encouragement post cards. I love sending them out. Last year I sent them weekly as part of my Powersheets goals.

  14. Ahh! Oh my goodness I want to win these so badly! I would loooove a set of PowerSheets for myself. I know sometimes I need a little guidance with my goal-setting and I know they've done wonders for you! (Also, I accidentally wrote my twitter handle as @callmesassafras but it's @callmesassblog! My bad!)

    Allie /

  15. I would love a Write the Word journal!


  17. These look great! I just started using a blogging binder and am realizing the one I use doesn't have exactly what I need. I love looking at how different each of these are.
