
February Tending List

This is one of those months where I am celebrating any imperfect progress I make. This month I have quit my job, started a new job, worked on my home salon and tackled various other projects that have been on my to do list for awhile now. I kept my tending list for February pretty simple because I could feel that deep down things might be a little crazy. My tending list is basically my list of goals/to-dos based off the Lara Casey Powersheets which I definitely recommend. 

Monthly Goals

+ Choose a ponderize scripture

I did choose a verse which you can read all about here. It's kinda been my motto for the month. 

+ Personal Progress Visits

I'm trying to visit at least a few of my Young Women each month to remind them and encourage them to keep working on their Personal Progress.

+ Pay $1,000 off down payment 

I set this goal before my job change and honestly this just isn't going to happen. We have put a couple hundred into my home salon so I can start doing that and my paychecks are going to be much less than they used to be. Because of this, we are putting this on the back burner until we can figure out where our finances will be with my new income.

+ February Jolley Update On the Blog

I'll be trying to get to this one soon so I can share what we've been up to!

+ Read one book in the Bible

I've also put this one on the backburner. Right now I'm focusing on reading personally a few minutes each day and reading a chapter of the Old Testament with my husband before bed. It stressed me out to commit to reading an entire book so wam bam I'm crossing this off the list for now. Imperfect progress is still progress.

+ Go to the temple

We try to go 2x a month and this month has really been off our normal schedule. We are going this week for date night and may be going on Saturday as well.

+ Go to the temple 

+ Get a massage

As much as I want to do this one, I'm crossing it off for now. My new job is so much less stressful so I don't feel as much need to "relax" and escape reality. I'm also making less money and putting the money into my home salon so once I've had a few clients in my home salon I'll start saving for this again!

+ Have a girls night w/ a friend

I've tried to have a girls night a few times in the past month and sadly the plans keep falling through because of things out of my control. I'm not worrying about this one as well for this month. (see how fun it is when you're goals are flexible! LOL!)

+ Giveaway a "Write the Word" journal

I was able to give one away on Instagram and mail it off this week. So happy!


+ Social Media Free Weekends

This past weekend was strange because Colten worked and I didn't, and we had Monday off as well so I did not have a social media free weekend. I still want to keep working at this one though!

+ Complete all homework 

This one is really on here so I can celebrate accomplishing something I'm doing anyway.

+ Save $5

I try to transfer $5 into savings from our checking every week in addition to our savings we pull out of our checks when we get paid. $5 is a small enough amount that we usually don't have any issues with this.

Daily Goals

+ Review Ponderize Scripture

I love my scripture this month. I love pursuing peace.

+ Scripture reading

Whether with Colten or on my own, I have been doing pretty well at this so far!

+ Serve Colten

I'm doing the Dating Divas 30 Day Love Challenge and even though all the days aren't happening one after another I've really enjoyed taking some time to serve my husband. 

+ Pray

I've had a lot of promptings lately that have reminded me that I will be successful if I rely on the Lord through constant prayer. I pray each day as I drive to work and try to keep a prayer in my heart throughout the day, often praying for others and their success and joy. 

I truly believe it's the simple daily acts we do that shape our lives. That's why even though all the goals I set this month are worthwhile, I am remaining flexible and going with what feels right. I love the month of love and am having a great February so far! I hope you are too. 

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