
September Books I Read //

End of August I joined a book club in my ward. Even though we weren't able to meet with them once the book was finished, I really enjoyed getting back into reading. Reading has been one of my hobbies for so long, but as the years have gone by and my anxiety has gotten worse I set it aside. Reading for the book club reminded me of how much I love it!

I committed to reading 10 pages a day. If I wanted to read more I could, but if nothing else I'd read 10 pages of a book for pleasure every day. I finished four books in September! (Needless to say I read more than 10 pages most days!) 

Fishers of Men by Gerald Lund

This is the book I read as a part of the book club. I'll be honest, it took me about 100 pages to actually "get into". I felt really confused. But after those first 100 pages or so I started to get super into it and loved it! It follows some families who were alive at the time that Christ lived on the earth and as he began his ministry. I really enjoyed hearing the stories of Jesus in a new way, through the eyes of fictional characters who were there. There are a few more sequels and I want to read them soon!

Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst

I had seen a lot of bloggers posting about this book so of course I bought it to read! I hadn't read anything by Lysa Terkeurst yet, and I must say I love her writing style! This book gave me some amazing eternal perspectives on why we feel left out, where our worth comes from, and how to overcome those awful feelings of loneliness and comparison. If you're even a tiny bit interested in this book, give it a read. 

Let God Love You by Wendy Ulrich

I just finished a full review of this book. You can read it HERE.

Anxiety: Panicking about Panic by Joshua Fletcher

I purchased this book back when I was first diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder back in May. It wasn't enough to know that "something was wrong with me." I wanted to know what and why and how. This book explains what can cause anxiety, and what's going on biologically when you are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. I have found it super helpful. Knowledge is truly power! I believe one of the best ways to dispel fear is to gain more understanding about what it is that you fear. 

I've already purchased a few books for October and my Amazon list is FULL! What are you currently reading that you love?? I'd love to add some to my list!

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1 comment:

  1. Man! I wish I could read more.. I just read so slow and I don't know why!! I'm glad you liked the Uninvited book.. I've heard so many amazing things about it!
