
date night: nickelcade

Last week for date night I told Mr. Jolley that it was his turn to decide what we did for date night. And let me tell you, it took him less than 30 seconds to decide what he wanted to do. And later that night, we ended up at a place from my childhood... Nickelcade!

We paid the $2.50 entrance fee per person and got $5 in nickels. Big spenders, I know! 

It was super fun. We played skeeball, air hockey, mini-basketball, and a simple version of Deal or No Deal. We played SO many other games I lost track. And let me tell you, $5 was a LOT of nickels!

The date was so fun, we both smiled pretty much the entire time and I laughed so hard playing air hockey that I was crying and lost the second game due to that handicap ;) Our 80 tickets got us a bouncy ball for our cats, and a lot of frooties for my purse. 

What date nights make you feel like a kid again? 

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  1. The arcade is one of our favorite regular dates! Competition + fun + prizes? We actually went to one for our first anniversary and of course I've kept the stuffed bumblebee we won!

  2. Arcades make for awesome date nights!! My husband and I could play skeeball for hours. So much fun.

  3. Aww this is so fun! When my hubby proposed he took me to a put-put/go cart place that was important to us in our dating days. I love going places like that!

  4. That looks like lots of fun! Miniature golf makes me feel like a kid again!
