
my 2014 marriage goal

My biggest marriage goal for 2014 is to step in and help more. My husband is wonderful and often makes dinner at night while I shower or get ready for whatever plans we have. He never complains about changing the litter box and is the first to do the dishes every time!

His love language is Acts of Service, so I'm going to spend 2014 trying to implement that into the way I express love to him more. I want to make the bed more often and put the toothpaste in the same drawer every time. I want to surprise him with dinners on my days off, and be more willing to take care of our cats. I want him to consider me the most helpful wife he could've imagined!

What marriage goals are you setting for 2014??
Marriage & Relationship Goals

New to the Marriage & Relationship Goals Link-up? Goals help our relationships grow stronger and get better with time as well as help us move forward and avoid the "ruts" of life. This link-up was created in hopes of inspiring your relationship with your significant other no matter your chapter in life and love. We would love for you to join us in making the things we do in our relationships intentional.  If you would like more information, click here. If you would like to sign up for the newsletter, click here. If you are interested in cohosting, click here.

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  1. Your husband cooks, does the dishes and takes care of the cats?!? Where did you find him? haha Just kidding! It's good that you recognize his love language though and want to show your love in that way. Good luck on your goal this month!

  2. I love your goals. So glad that we co-hosted together. Looking forward to connecting more..

  3. My husband is majorly an Acts of Service person--I've had to learn to make serving him a big priority in my life--not always the easiest but it's worth it!

  4. I love this goal!! Helping out more is an area where I feel like I could use some dedicated work too!

  5. Great goal!!! :) And it goes right along with our Meaningful Marriage Book Study this month as well ;)

  6. i love how you set goals so frequently! its so inspiring! you and mr jolley are so darn cute!

  7. Such a great goal! How cool that your hubby does that!!
