
3 blogs you just might love!

Life with Amberly & Joe
This is the story of our marriage
the adventures we have,
 our love for each other, 
moments of laughter
 and our crazy busy life
We are happily married
 and forever young at heart.

This might seem like a plug in since she is my large sponsor for the month, but honestly, she's a blog I will go and read every single day. I was ecstatic when she decided to sponsor me! I've also met her in real life and she is a great listener. 

Let me tell ya, if this girl didn't live in Ohio and I in Utah, I'd force her to be my best friend. We've quickly become close through Twitter & texting and she's the SWEETEST ever. This girl just gets it. 

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Another sponsor this month, I know I know... This girl got married just before me, and so it's been fun to kinda share newlywed life with her! She blogs a lot about our faith and her testimony, which I truly admire. She is SO sweet and wants nothing more than to change the world with righteous influence.

What are you "go-to" blogs ??

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  1. You are SO sweet! :) Thank you for your kind words. I definitely love your blog to, so I would suggest that buuuuuut, obvi. ;) I love reading Amberly's blog too!

    Here are some of my favorites:

  2. OH I just love you girl! I really hope we can meet next week! xoxo

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words!!! I have had a really rough day so far and reading this post made me cry (happy tears) again (the other times were sad, frustrated true).
