
my 2014 word of the year

You may have read my post last week about my 2013 word of the year, and if you haven't I encourage you to go read THIS POST before reading any further. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Okay now that you're caught up, I'm excited to introduce my word of 2014. It's taken a lot of thought. What do I want to change about myself? What do I love about myself? How can I improve? What kind of person do I want to be? Who do I look up to?

And I realized, all of my answers led me to an idea, what if I could learn to live life with worry and fear? What if I learned to stand up for myself and others a little more? What if I took chances I wouldn't normally take? What if I put my heart and soul into everything I did, simply because I can? What if I could learn to live like fearless?

(This print was designed by my friend Rebecca, her Etsy shop is HERE!)

I am so excited to set goals to fit this word and to focus on it throughout all of 2014. What better time than NOW to learn to live life fearlessly? Have you decided on a word for 2014? I love for you to leave your ideas in the comments! Let's inspire each other!

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  1. Oh Brooklyn, that is a beautiful word with many wonderful meanings for your life. I am excited for the changed my 2014 will bring for you and can't wait to follow along! I will be posting my 2014 word after Christmas! I love the idea of having a word for the year.

  2. Good choice, lady! I'm still thinking about mine. :)

  3. Last year was the first time that I ever heard of doing a word as a theme for the year instead of a bunch of new years goals. It seems like it would be way easier to keep with you and help you grow all year instead of being forgotten in the muddle of lots of stuff to do. Thanks for sharing hon!

  4. I want to choose a word, but am having a hard time thinking of the perfect work and narrowing it down. What's your take on how to find the perfect word and then narrow it down? Any suggestions? :)

  5. I love your word of the year and that the print matches your blog, really cute. Your friend did a great job!

    Kindness is the best accessory,

  6. Ohh! I also chose a word of the year! Great minds think alike! :)

    My word is "Restore" and I wrote about it, too. This is going to be a great year!

    gayle | grace for gayle
    I'm a #Previvor!

  7. LOVE this post so so much! I'm trying to think of my word now (:

  8. This is such a powerful word. I also chose my word for the year, it was to surrender not to surrender to the enemy but to surrender to God's will for my life. So excited about integrating it into my whole year. How are you planning to keep your word alive all year long?
