
an idea to get you started on goal setting

I haven't always been a crazy goal setter ya know? Back in the day I hated goal setting because it seemed I could never reach the goals I was setting. Once I learned a thing or two about progress I decided to try again. And a few years ago when a friend suggested The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, I decided to give it a try. 

This book follows the author's one year journey of finally doing all the things she's wanted to. Not in an Eat, Pray, Love kinda way (although I love that book too) but in an every day kinda way. Learning to sing in the mornings, starting a blog, organizing digital photos and spending more time sleeping. 

This book inspired me to set goals that wouldn't just make me skinnier or smarter, but that would make me happier! Some weeks I set goals to watch a Disney movie or bake cupcakes, because those things bring me happiness. 

So if you're looking to start setting goals for the new year, pick up this book and read it in December. Get a whole new outlook on life, and let's ring in 2014 with some awesome goals!


  1. Brooklyn,

    I'm half way through this book! So glad you put up a post, you just inspired me to get back into it!

    Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm. I may just have to try this read. It looks good.

  4. I did like the book but had a hard time getting through it all at once. I think for me it is a good to read a little bit at a time and digest. Just ordered her latest book.

  5. This is still on my list to read. Maybe while I have a semester off :)

  6. That's a really good idea, for goal-setting. I stink at goals, but maybe if I start reaching goals such as those, I wouldn't shy away from them as much. :)

    gayle | grace for gayle
    I'm a #Previvor!
