
december goals

My goals from last month...

-Watch 3 YouTube videos a week that relate to my schooling.
-Never be afraid to ask questions at school.
-Blog once a week about date night.
-Write Ask Brooklyn post
-Leave love notes for my husband 2x a week
-Keep a journal about all the things Mr. Jolley does that I love
-Work out 4x a week
-Only wash hair 2x a week
-Be a flosser 
-Read a chapter in the Book of Mormon with Colten every night
-Journal once a week
-Go to the temple
-Make a new best friend
-Write Sister Burton at least once a week
-Stay in my personal money budget
-Memorize Mr. Jolley's phone number
-Say more personal prayers

New Goals...

When I looked over last month's goals, I realized all the ones that had to do with blogging I did a GREAT job on, but I really struggled in my relationship goals, so that's going to be a main focus this month for my goals with a few other things scattered here and there.

-Write Mr. Jolley a Christmas love note
-Watch at least one Christmas movie a week
-Read from the New Testament every day
-Work out 3x a week
-Memorize Mr. Jolley's phone number
-Journal about my wedding day & honeymoon
-Visit temple square for Christmas lights
-Start a blog post ideas journal
-Put my phone away more often when I'm with my husband 
-Do an act of service for a stranger

What goals are you setting for December?

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  1. This month I'm going to do my best to make Christmas more about Christ and less about the presents, the food and more about Christ and serving others. I want to learn the true meaning of Christmas!

  2. What great goals!!! These are inspiring :) I found you from Sabrina at Cattails & Cardigans-- can't wait to follow along!

    Have a great week! :)

  3. It was fun reading your goals and getting some ideas myself! My husband and I try to do a weekly planning session where we talk about our goals as a couple and also personally. I'm excited to start following your blog! Hopefully you can get some ideas and inspiration from my blog too!
